Why You Need to Be Aware of Sanitation Services
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Why You Need to Be Aware of Sanitation Services

You might never give a second thought to trash collection services other than to place your trash on the end of your driveway on the appropriate day. My name is Lisa, and I want to tell you why you should think about your local sanitation and what happens to your trash after the garbage workers have taken it away. Did you know that trash that is not appropriately collected can cause health problems in your community? It can also damage the environment and the quality of your water and air. Educate yourself about what happens to the trash in your community so you can effectively fight for the health of your family and your planet.

Why You Need to Be Aware of Sanitation Services

Sometimes it Just Happens: How to Tell if Your Septic Tank Just Can't Keep Up

Steve Russell

Caring for a septic tank can be confusing. The key to a properly functioning septic system is proper maintenance. Unfortunately, even with proper maintenance, septic tanks can still fail. Some things that can lead to septic system failure include excess water caused by recent floods, or even soil problems around the seepage pit. When it comes to those issues, there's very little you can do to prevent problems from occurring.

Luckily, if your septic system does fail due to those issues, it will usually give you a few signs before it completely malfunctions. Here are three signs that will let you know your septic system is on it's last legs.

Active Algae Bloom in Natural Water Sources

If you've got a pond or stream on your property, you can use that water as an indicator of how healthy your septic system is. If the water remains clear and clean, your septic system is working the way it should. However, if you suddenly notice an increase in the number of water weeds you're seeing, or you've suddenly experiencing an overactive algae bloom in the water, you're probably looking at a septic system that's about to fail.

A failing system can push contaminants into the soil, which will seep to the nearby fresh water, causing excess weed growth and increased algae bloom. This is because the human waste contained in the liquid is acting like a fertilizer for growth in your ponds and streams.

Increased Coliform and Nitrate Levels in Your Well Water

If the water for your home comes from a well, you can assess the health of your septic system by having your water tested on a regular basis. When your septic system is functioning properly, your water will test at a normal range for coliform and nitrate. However, once your septic system starts leaking into the soil, your well water will begin testing higher for coliform and nitrate levels. To protect your well water, and prevent contamination, you should test your well water several times a year. If the levels go up, you'll need to have your septic system serviced immediately.

Liquid Back-Fill from the Seepage Pit

If the soil in your yard is unable to sustain your seepage pit, you'll begin to notice problems with your tank, especially when it's pumped. Once the soil fails, you'll need to have your seepage pit relocated to another area of your yard. One way to tell if your soil has failed is to watch the liquid levels the next time your septic tank is pumped. If the soil is still healthy, you won't have liquid flow back into your tank. However, if the soil around the seepage field has failed, liquid will flow into the tank from the seepage field as the tank is emptied. Your septic technicians will be able to identify that problem for you. Contact technicians through resources like http://www.bergtanksinc.com/home.
